Sunday, September 18, 2005

Uneven Blogging Ahead

Yesterday the guy fixing my ceiling from Hurricane Ivan damage (yes, Ivan, from LAST year) showed up. This is news, because repair guys will often call and say they are coming, yet never show up. The last repair guy actually tore out a big hunk of the ceiling, told me he'd return the next day, then disappeared into oblivion.

So, he removed nearly everything from my study, the only room with internet access. After he had finished for the day, he told me he didn't expect to be completely done until Thursday. Assuming he keeps his word (a foolish assumption considering the track record of the local contractors and repairmen), I should have regular internet at home by the end of the week.

Since I really use odds-and-ends of time to blog, this may cut back on my blog-viating (the blog version of the neologism "bloviating") for the week. I'll blog when possible, but I won't take time from my academic work.

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