Friday, March 02, 2007

Enterprise Tornado Relief

It seems like just yesterday we were all posting like this for Hurricane Katrina...

Red State Diaries has a nice round-up of the various ways you can help with Enterprise Tornado Relief. For those readers who are too distant to know, yesterday a huge tornado swept through the town of Enterprise, Alabama and struck the high school while the students were still there. Though so far as I know injury and fatalities lists are still being compiled, some were killed at the school.

If you are coming to the International Festival here at Troy University Saturday night (6PM, Trojan Center Ballroom), you can also help by getting one of our cookbooks. This year we have compiled authentic recipes from our students in the form of a cookbook available for a suggested donation. Proceeds from the cookbook will go to assist in relief efforts, probably (though this isn't finalized) through the Governor's Emergency Relief Fund.

Also, our international students wanted to encourage everyone to give blood on Tuesday, March 6th from 9AM-7PM in the Trojan Center Ballrooms. As we were setting up for the International Festival, they were discussing how frustrating it is for them to be unable to give blood (if you've been abroad recently you can't give blood), but we can certain encourage others to give blood. No matter how strapped for cash you are you can still afford to give blood.

After Katrina our international students renovated a home for refugees. They are already looking for opportunities to serve their host community again after this disaster. If anyne has need for our international students, please contact me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the news about efforts in Troy. I've updated my post with a link to yours.
