Monday, May 28, 2007

Silly Alfred, Silly Boethius

Podictionary's word today is silly. According to Hodgson, the first recorded use of silly in English is in King Alfred's translation of The Consolation of Philosophy. I had never heard that before, and now I'm going to have to look it up myself next time I'm in my office.

By the way, I recently received an examination copy of Manolo the Shoeblogger's Consolation of Shoes. I'll write a review of it soon.


  1. Me too! I also got a review copy. I haven't read it yet, but I plan to and to review it, as well. I think he's blanketting the medieval blogger market.

  2. I just had a look at the DOE web corpus and it looks like that might be true, but of course it's sælig=blessed. Somehow I thought the word occurred more frequently in the OE corpus, but apparently not.
