Wednesday, October 10, 2007

On Point with Sir Gawain

Simon Armitage has a new translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. A poet friend of mine was very happy with the news, and raised my expectations regarding its quality. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Yesterday, Armitage was interviewed on NPR's On Point, and that interview is available here. I have to confess, I only listened to about 15 minutes worth before I could no longer stand Tom Ashbrook and his callers. And using Sword of the Valient unironically? Yeesh!

Via Stán Cynedóm


  1. Hallo. Ian McKellan narrated this on BBC 4's Afternoon Play late last year. I listened to it, then, but was unable to find the audio, this morning.

  2. Hee hee -- I just used Sword of the Valiant in class yesterday, which amazed and stunned my students with its horror (they were still reeling from Lambert's Beowulf). I don't know which fascinates me more: O'Keefe's Prince Valiant wig or Sean Connery's peek-a-boo armour.

  3. You know, I had always thought that the homoerotic elements of SGGK were strictly in the game played between Gawain and his host -- until I saw Sword of the Valient.
