Monday, June 08, 2009

Morning Medieval Miscellany

I have absolutely nothing of interest to say about the Ren Faire. I trusted pirates, got a sunburn, and watched all types of stunts involving fire. Here, however, are some people who do have something to say:


  1. I am in the UK and I can confirm that the link to Michael Wood's programme on Beowulf is indeed good. I can't confirm that the programme itself is good, but I intend to watch it to find out.

  2. There must be a way to use a proxy IP address from the States to watch these on BBC iPlayer.

  3. You can read my review of Michael Wood on Beowulf at my blog, here:

  4. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Jonathan Jarrett discusses Dr. Alice Rio's work on economic change in early medieval Ireland.

    I don't, I'm afraid: I discuss Wendy Davies's work on economic change in early medieval Ireland, which was the last in a seminar series that Alice Rio organised. Sorry if that wasn't clear, and thankyou for the link.

  5. Tenthmedieval (Jonathan),

    As you can see, holding a PhD in English doesn't necessarily mean I can read. Looking back again, it seems clear. Duh to me.
