Thursday, September 25, 2008

Morning Medieval Miscellany

Ah, mornings, with all their miscellaneous medievaliciousness!
I'm running out the door now (Wednesday night -- this is a pre-scheduled post) to give a lecture on Tristan and Isolde (generally as a legend, not a particular version). My theme: Adultery is the best sex, at least as far as medieval lit is concerned. The theme is not to be taken as an ethical position!


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I'm very much hoping that "Feudal Transformations IX" will be the last for a long time, as my readership has shrunk significantly over the course of this set of posts. I should get back to claiming I don't write about sex directly!

    Also, I shall try and put my group's Leeds abstracts online as soon as I've got them all; that's a good suggestion.

    Thankyou for the links!

  2. Thanks for the promo! I should mention I am wearing my academic hat as well as my fiction writer hat for the con: defending academia's right to study literature -- yes, even (gasp!) genre literature!
