Thursday, January 17, 2008

Medieval Manuscript Videos

Even if you aren't that interested in medieval manuscripts and their production, these videos are very beautiful. The first, just over four minutes in length, is a series of images about the production of medieval manuscripts. The second, nearly eleven minutes in length, is a series of beautiful images. These include haunting music from Hildegard of Bingen, so even if you're too busy at work to watch 15 minutes of video, you can run them in the background for the music.


  1. Here's a riddle to go with the video:
    An enemy ended my life, deprived me of my physical strength; then he dipped me in water and drew me out again, and put me in the sun where I soon shed all my hair. After that, the knife's sharp edge bit into me and all my blemishes were scraped away; fingers folded me and the bird's feather often moved over my brown surface, sprinkling meaningful marks; it swallowed more wood-dye (part of the stream) and again travelled over me, leaving black tracks. Then a man bound me, he stretched skin over me and adorned me with gold; thus am I enriched by the wondrous work of smiths, wound about with shining metal...

  2. Anonymous11:40 PM

    This is so much better than Friday night television :-) Thanks for sharing this!
